Hourly Consulting


Many people are at the idea stage or have a developed product and are nearly ready to sell to retailers but still have important questions they need answered. Is my pricing correct? Is my package effective? How do I deal with factories to get the best price? What do retail buyers expect of me and […]



  • Many people are at the idea stage or have a developed product and are nearly ready to sell to retailers but still have important questions they need answered. Is my pricing correct? Is my package effective? How do I deal with factories to get the best price? What do retail buyers expect of me and what do I say to them? These and many other questions can be answered by Jim through one-on-one phone calls and emails! Whether you just need clarification about anything from manufacturing to sales and marketing or a review of your product before you call on retailers, Jim can help!
  • Use the “quantity” feature to add as many hours to the cart as you desire!


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